The Central Bank of Bahrain (the CBB) produces a monthly Statistical Bulletin which includes statistics on the banking sector, Bahrain Bourse, payment systems and economic indicators.
The information within these monthly bulletins is of potential interest to many parties, including investors and policy makers, although in a static tabular format. We created the dashboard below in order to help visualise trends and details from all this data. The dashboard provides time series visualisations, so changes and trends in the indicators can be visualised.
We also provide one-off analyses, interpretations and insights on our social media channels on instagram and twitter.
Best viewed on desktop. For mobile users, switch to landscape mode and access fullscreen for a more user friendly experience. Press the
icon, at the bottom of the dashboard to view in fullscreen mode.Data used in this dashboard is from July 2017 onwards. This data has been extracted from the statistical bulletins starting from July 2018. Although older bulletins are available, there have been many changes and additions over the years, with several categories not available prior to the July 2018 bulletin.
When extracting information from the monthly bulletins, our algorithm assumes that any data in more recent reports is more accurate or has been corrected for errors. Thus our compiled data replaces older data points with updated numbers if available.
Bahrain has four payment systems available to conduct transactions, with data available for value and volume of transactions. However, volume is not available for all categories within the payment system.
Data that is available to date, include:
Our dataset is available upon request.
Would you like to use the visuals in the dashboard above? We are very happy for you to do so, however, we request that you ensure that you provide an attribution of the visual back to us. You can find details on attribution and use of our work in our Terms and Conditions.
How do you attribute? There are two ways:
If you have any questions regarding our methodology, or need clarifications, please contact us.